How To Resetter Epson L220 with software
Epson Resetter way for L220 Series,
Epson Printer series L a lot of popping after the first version of the series Epson L100. Printer series isindeed very popular with the infusion system features that have been provided factory. Now manyprinters Epson L Series of whom are still ready stock at computer stores such as L220,
But all of that has a printing limit, so that when the printer has reached and even exceeded the limits ofthe printing, the green and red lights on the printer blinks called "blinking" and on your computer screenwill display a dialog box "Service Required". This happens because the Waste Ink Full, therefore it must be done reset software. Here I share Resetter Software Epson L220 Series,
But all of that has a printing limit, so that when the printer has reached and even exceeded the limits ofthe printing, the green and red lights on the printer blinks called "blinking" and on your computer screenwill display a dialog box "Service Required". This happens because the Waste Ink Full, therefore it must be done reset software. Here I share Resetter Software Epson L220 Series,
Epson Resetter way for L220 Series,
1. Turn your Epson printer series L
2. Run the program Resetter Epson L220, by means of double clicking on the file AdjProg.exe. If you have not got the software resetter
click HERE.
3. In the next dialog box click the SELECT button to select the model of printer that will be reset.
4. Once selected printer model and its Port then click the Particular adjustment mode.5. In the next dialog box select the "waste ink pad counter" and then click the OK button.
6. After the dialog box "Waste Ink Pad Counter", tick Main Pad Counter. Well, in this dialog box there are two buttons that check and initialization. Check button is used to check the ink point that has come out of our software which will be reset to 0 (zero), then the Initialization button is used to reset the Pad Counter (main).
7. If successful finish eating the reset process by pressing the button FINISH.Printer returned to normal as a new still buying, because its function has returned to 0 (zero).That is all and thank you.
6. After the dialog box "Waste Ink Pad Counter", tick Main Pad Counter. Well, in this dialog box there are two buttons that check and initialization. Check button is used to check the ink point that has come out of our software which will be reset to 0 (zero), then the Initialization button is used to reset the Pad Counter (main).
7. If successful finish eating the reset process by pressing the button FINISH.Printer returned to normal as a new still buying, because its function has returned to 0 (zero).That is all and thank you.
Hope it is useful.